Thursday, September 20, 2012

Resources Resources Resources!!

Resources Galore

How lucky are we to have the INTERNET? So lucky! There are so many amazing resources out there. You can find millions of lessons in just seconds. But as a young teacher who spends hours nightly on the internet getting reenergized by finding cool new lessons that I cannot wait to use in my classroom. But it gets stressful. I really wish I could incorporate all these amazing ideas in my room daily. But it gets what??? STRESSFUL!!! So although I still look daily and find many ideas I LOVE I have decided to pick one super awesome idea and use it until  I  MASTER it and then add another fabulous idea. Before you know I will be a better teacher. Or I hope that happens. I am hoping that years from now I am still trying to add new things and toss old ideas that get too routine and boring (and no longer effective).   Well happy searching for the next best idea. If you find something amazing PLEASE share it!! Use the comment option or just add to my wiki: